Tuesday, February 2, 2010

S.W.A.G. Black History Month 2010 Challenge!

February is Black History Month and Sharp With Art Group wants to show love to our culture. Although February is a short month, for the next 28 days, we will be dedicating our fan page to Black History and culture and we are challenging you to do the same. Each day, we will post things related to Black History Month on our Facebook page! If you are our Facebook fan, we encourage you to do the same! We’d love for it to be BLACK History and ART Related! Whether it’s a picture, a Black History Fact, a poem, a piece of art, just post it and tell us why you choose that piece to post!

Since our blog is published weekly, we will feature our favorite items from our Facebook page to share with the world! We will also compile Photo Albums and Notes to showcase submissions! Post away!

Just our way of bringing awareness to a month that often goes unrecognized. It’s our job to educate ourselves and others!

"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better".

Martin Luther King, Jr.